
musings about life on the farm

A Year of Disruption

finished cheeseReflections on distressing times. And where I'd like to head with this farm ..... (read more)

Gardening with Kids

finished cheeseFor some people, having children in the garden is a horrifying thought. Young children will step on (or sit on), seedlings and young plants. They will plant seeds too deeply or not deep enough, drowning the results with toy watering cans..... (read more)

Making Colby Cheese

finished cheeseGenerally, cheesemaking instructions say to age colby for 2-3 months at 50°F. Frankly, I can't wait that long! After 4-6 weeks I usually have to break into it because my taste buds just can't wait any longer. Yes, it's not perfectly like commercial colby. But, what would be the point of that?.... (read more)

What Are GMOs?

radishes and beetsGMO simply means "genetically modified organism". GE (genetically engineered) is also a related acronym you see floating around. At it's simplest it refers to any life form that has had it's DNA structure artificially manipulated from the inside.... (read more)

Thinking About Agroforestry

radishes and beetsWhat is agroforestry? At its very basic definition it’s the integration of trees and their products into agricultural practices. Not just leaving trees on the field perimeters, but integrating them into fields and pastures to compliment the row crops or grazing... (read more)

Where are all the Rabbits?

radishes and beetsSo today I saw my first wild rabbit at the farm. No kidding. I spotted the little guy hopping around the lawn's edge and realized I hadn't seen any before today... (read more)

Visual Notes on Farmscale Permaculture Workshop

farmscale permacultureEcology and Economy need to work together in a farmscale permaculture model. Permaculture comes from permanent culture, which is a bit of an oxymoron. Culture is not permanent. Nature is ever changing... (read more)

How to Make Feta Cheese

how to make feta cheeseGrowing up in Wisconsin I seem to have a natural affinity for cheese. Hard cheeses, soft cheeses, mold-ripened cheeses, sheep, goat, cow.... I don't think I've ever met a cheese I didn't like. With the intent of someday having dairy goats or sheep (I don't think I could handle the volume of milk from a cow) I thought it best to start practicing making some cheeses at home. Mozzarella is often the first cheese people start with, but I really love feta and other sharp cheeses. After looking at the recipe of what was required I felt it was definitely do-able as my first cheese.... (read more)