
A little about Blue Meadow Farmstead.

Where to start your story when you've been on a long journey? The road to Blue Meadow Farmstead has been long and winding, with many challenges and diversions. And now that the land is in reach, the hard and dirty work begins. Ladies and gentlemen, start your tractors!

This beautiful small farm (about 50 acres) sits in the heart of central Wisconsin, just north of Green Lake. The soil is fairly sandy, which makes it both easy to work, yet difficult to hold nutrients. Transitioning the farm to perennial pastures to help hold and build the soil is an overarching goal. Adding grazing animals, a little at a time, will also be part of the picture.

At this time we don't have any on-farm sales so there's no need to share an address just yet. If you need to contact us you can do so through the Contact page, or Facebook messenger.

Carol, Anne, and Jacob My mom Carol, me (Anne), and my son Jacob. Each generation gets a little taller :)

Keep checking back for additions and announcements on this website or our facebook page - stay tuned!

- Anne Lupton

Know your food, know your farmers, and know your kitchen.
- Joel Salatin