What is Organic Gardening?

let's clarify a few terms

Posted by Anne Lupton

Organic is a word that is seen everywhere these days. Products range from organic produce to organic beer and even organic clothing. But what exactly is organic gardening? In short, organic gardening is the process of growing a product by following the specific principles and regulations of organic agriculture. These principles are quite in-depth and specific, but in short, it is gardening without the use of human-made chemicals and pesticides. Even from the start of the process, organic seeds must be used in order for the produce to be officially deemed organic. This means that the seeds come only from plants that were not genetically modified and raised without pesticides or herbicides.

The benefits of consuming organic foods are widely debated. Research has shown, however, that farmers who work with pesticides see a higher rate of cancer and other health issues. It is too difficult now for scientists to declare that organic is indeed better for us, since there are other factors involved in cancer research; e.g. pollution, environment, and hereditary factors. Therefore, it is up to the consumer to decide whether or not to risk their health by consuming products that are grown with the aid of such chemicals. Organic produce can seem expensive. As a result organic gardening at home is becoming a popular trend that is most likely here to stay.

Whether planting an organic flower garden or an organic vegetable garden, it may help to remember some simple organic gardening tips. You can start by planting organic seeds or organic seedlings, started without the aid of pesticides and chemicals. It is also important to understand the value of good mulch. Mulch can supply nutrients, protect the soil, retain water, and control weeds. The best type of mulch for organic gardening is simply fallen leaves and cut lawn grass. If leaves are not available to you, consider using organic straw.

When considering organic gardening fertilizers, look no further than well-made compost. Compost is simply decayed organic matter that is used to supply nutrients and beneficial microbes. There are a variety of compost bins that you can keep in your kitchen for the purpose of saving table scraps, which you can then add to your compost pile after they break down into humus. Organic compost can also be purchased in a variety of forms from organic gardening suppliers.

Do not forget the importance of moisture when tending to your organic garden. The soil needs to stay moist: not just the surface either. Encourage the roots to go deep into the soil to look for water so that they can access more water and more nutrients.

You will need to water your garden daily when the seeds and small plants are just getting established. A soaker hose is best because you can turn it on and walk away for an hour or so while the water soaks deep.

Once you get started, the benefits of organic gardening should be obvious. A little daily care can reward you with a healthy lifestyle as well as the knowledge that you grew something with your own two hands.

It is amazing for some people to make their own gardens, grow various fruits and vegetables in it, and eat homegrown food. Organic gardening is growing fruits, vegetables, herbs and flowers at home without adding any synthetic material in it like chemicals, herbicides, synthetic pesticides etc. Nature is allowed to take charge of the garden as everything is grown naturally without the aid of any synthetic material. The plants use nutrients already available in the soil. Techniques like green manure, crop rotation, biological pest control and compost are used in organic gardening to produce healthy plants enriched with nutrients.

Organic Gardening Tips

Cover crops, also known as "green manure", is a kind of crop planted to improve soil quality and fertility. There are many cover crops like soybeans, sweet clover, cowpeas and buckwheat. They are plowed or cultivated back into the soil when they're at their peak of green-ness. Such crops enhance the soil, so it can better absorb water and nutrients. They augment the content of organic matter in the soil; their roots go deep in the soil and raise the nutrients up so the plant can soak them better; legumes (like peas and beans) also fix nitrogen in the soil so plants can grow healthier.

Crop rotation refers to the technique of growing different crops in the same garden patch in different seasons. This practice boosts up the nitrogen content in the soil, lowers pests in the soil and improves the soil fertility. It is a very useful technique for growing good organic crops.

The biological pest control technique relies on various living organisms to reduce weeds, mites and other pests in the garden. Insects or organisms that prey on garden pests are used to kill them. This helps in getting rid of the harmful pests with a little more ease.

Using compost is another technique to produce foods that are rich with nutrients. Organic matter that has been rotted and reprocessed as fertilizer is known as "compost". It works as an effective organic garden fertilizer. You can make compost easily in your garden. Pile up any old leaves, twigs, seeds, roots, and any other naturally occurring plant material. Put this pile of matter in a well-dug hole in your garden and cover up that hole with some dirt. You can also water it once a day. After about a month or so, open up that hole. If you see decomposed matter that means your compost is ready; if the matter is still recognizable, stir it a bit with a shovel or spade fork, and let it decompose for some more time.

Organic gardening is not only simple but is also extremely beneficial. Vegetables and fruits that have been grown organically often taste much better than those which are grown synthetically. The best part is that you do not need to spend heaps of money buying expensive fertilizers, pesticides and soil amendments for your garden. You can easily make your own organic garden at home. Now water it, plant organic seeds of the vegetables you want to grow, make your own compost, and add it to your crops. Within one to three months, you will have some healthy organic food. Yum!


For the full scope of what it takes to be certified organic a farm must comply with the rules in the National Organic Program and go through a yearly inspection process.