Safe Garden Pest Control

Posted by Anne Lupton on June 15, 2015

tomato hornworm
With natural and organic gardening becoming more popular, the question of organic garden pest control may arise.

First, you will need to identify garden pests in your yard. You could be surprised: what you may assume is a pest may actually be keeping more damaging pests away. There are some garden insects that are actually beneficial to certain types of gardens. Also keep in mind that some pests are attracted to specific plants. Before dousing your garden with pesticides, consider safe pest control techniques first.

There is a natural balance that is achievable in your garden without resorting to the use of chemicals. However, if your pests are stubborn, there are organic and even homemade garden pest control methods that can work. Certain smells such as marigold, garlic, fish, and tobacco can repel biological garden pests. Some plants also deter pests with their gases and volatile oils that warn insects to stay away, like a natural insecticide.

Natural soaps that are vegetable based can be used to create a spray that will make insects stick to the plants. Most plants can tolerate natural soaps as long as the spray is used on a day when it is not too hot and sunny. Otherwise, the leaves of the plant could be injured.

One very effective natural pest control technique is making a concoction commonly called garlic fire spray. Besides the ingredients listed below, you will need a blender, a coffee filter, and a spray bottle.

Garlic Fire Spray for Insects

  • 2 medium sized garlic bulbs
  • 7 or 8 medium hot chili peppers of any variety
  • 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil or canola oil
  • 1/2 tablespoon of liquid detergent
  • 7 cups of water, divided

Simply place the first four ingredients into a blender as well as 3 cups of the water. Blend well and strain through a coffee filter into the spray bottle. Try using a cone shaped plastic filter when pouring. Next, add the rest of the water. You can save any excess by storing in lidded jars away from extreme temperatures and direct sunlight.

Novice gardeners fail to realize that there are also strategic planting techniques that can be used to attract beneficial garden insects while repelling pests. For example, chives and garlic planted in a rose bed can repel Japanese beetles and aphids. Nasturtiums can not only deter cucumber beetles but also provide an attractive environment for beneficial insects like spiders.

Try natural pest control as a way of protecting and supporting a healthy garden. You may even save money by making our own solutions


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